MDXi Appolonia Achieves TCCF, Now Most Certified Data Center in Ghana

MDXi Appolonia, the data center subsidiary of MainOne, an Equinix company in…

How MDXi Became the Most Environmental-friendly Data Center in Nigeria – Gbenga Adegbiji

Gbenga Adegbiji, the Chief Operating Officer at MDXi, West Africa's leading…

Energy Efficiency is Key to the Sustainability of Data Centres in Africa

Access to affordable, reliable and environmentally sustainable sources of…

MDXi Launches Local Cloud Infrastructure in Ghana

MDXi Launches Local Cloud Infrastructure in Ghana

Following the successful launch of its Tier III Data Center at Appolonia City,…

MainOne Appolonia data center subsidiary, MDXi Appolonia Data Center, Ghana

MainOne, West Africa’s Leading Carrier-neutral Data Center Provider to Unveil Appolonia Data Center in Accra

West Africa’s leading commercial data center provider, MDXi, a subsidiary of…

Arise TV: Watch MDXi COO, Gbenga Adegbiji discuss MDXi Appolonia Data Center in Ghana MDXi COO, Gbenga Adegbiji…

West Africa’s Leading Data Center Provider Doubles Capacity with Demand Surge

Nigeria’s biggest data services firm, MainOne plans to almost double storage…