
MDXi’s range of Tier III Data Centers provide an impressive array of colocation facilities, providing top-notch facilities and operational expertise to maintain your computing infrastructure and access to West Africa’s most connected carrier neutral ecosystem. Assist your company with full access to MainOne’s cable landing station with access to the 1.92 (upgradeable to 4.96) Tbps international subsea cable, a world-class IP NGN network, extensive terrestrial fiber networks and interconnection facilities.

This allows you to focus on your core competencies. We do this by providing much more than physical space; we also provide always-on professional Remote Hands Services, highly reliable power and cooling solutions, physical security and a readily available ecosystem of partners — network operators, Internet Service providers, content providers, cloud providers and financial services companies.

We are able to provide the highest levels of colocation availability in West Africa with, operations and processes bench marked and certified to with Telecommunications Industry Association 942 Standards design specifications and PCI DSS, ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 standards.

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    Colocation can quickly provide your business robust infrastructure it can count on for consistent performance and availability, with scalable, secure and highly available space and power for your mission-critical compute environments. Our services can quickly improve your competitiveness via benefits below:

    Agility and Scalability

    As your businesses grow and require more resources, our colocation services can provide the right capacity and performance in real time for new requirements, giving you the ability to deploy mission-critical infrastructure, where required, in a broad range of sizes and locations.


    Organizations need always-on access to their information and processes, and often need to ensure their services are available 24/7 for customers. Our datacenter is serviced by multiple active power and cooling distribution paths, and redundant components which are concurrently maintainable. We have the capacity to provide 99.982% availability to all customer infrastructure hosted by us. You also have access to our pool of highly skilled operational teams who monitor, operate and maintain your infrastructure to ensure consistent uptime. With 99.982% uptime SLAs, MDX-I ensures data is always available and accessible when you and your customers need it.

    Cost efficiency

    Establishing a data center on your premises incurs huge CAPEX and OPEX expenses. By leveraging on our infrastructure, we guarantee flexible and predictable monthly expenses, which offers you proven savings of 20-50%, and offer services, which can be channeled into the growth of your business.


    All organizations require secure facilities, data networks and connections, and some industries have special requirements and regulations. With multiple levels of security via bulletproof doors, armed police presence and physical security, we restrict facility access to only authorized personnel. Our experts can also help ensure your company has the right configuration to meet regulatory guidelines and commitments to your customers.


    • Direct Connection to National Grid.
    • 2.5MVA Generator Capacity flexible to 7.5MVA.
    • Parallel diverse power distribution into each rack with full UPS Backup Power.
    • 105,000 Liter Underground Diesel Storage Capacity.
    • Purpose built brick and mortar facility with 3500 square meters floor space.
    • Two data halls spread over two wings with a total capacity of 600 racks.
    • 24x7x365 Physical and Electronic Security.
    • 24x7x365 Global Network Operations Center and Service Desk.
    • Carrier Neutral with Diverse Connectivity Options to all Major Telcos and ISP’s.
    • Direct Submarine Cable Access with Connectivity to local, regional and international internet exchanges.
    • Home of West Africa’s largest Internet exchange, IXPN.
    • 10 levels of security before access to racks
    • 24/7/365 Physical security and armed police presence
    • Video surveillance with motion detection for all areas
    • Perimeter intrusion detection systems
    • Biometric access control for all entry and exit points